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How To Fight Your Domain Name Disputes. And Win!!
February 15, 2017

Facebook and Instagram successfully recovered more than 100 domain names recently from a business that was selling Facebook and Instagram ‘likes’ and ‘followers’.

Social Marketing Madness...

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Trademark protection in China
March 20, 2017

While the Chinese system of trademark registration shares many common elements with the European regime there are subtle differences that present a trap for the unwary.

Even Donald Trump had a long standing battle ...

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What Is A Patent And How To Patent Your Idea
March 22, 2017

If you want a legal monopoly over an innovation there is no better way to achieve it than a patent.

Patents help you protect your creativity against copycat “me too” offerings. They last for up to 20 years.


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Why Most Businesses Fail at Legally Protecting Themselves!
August 7, 2017

While SMEs are increasingly aware of the importance of intellectual property only a fraction of business owners are getting the right IP protection

That’s because IP is a complex subject, and business owners often...

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Cease And Desist Letter? Six Crucial Points About Trade Marks
August 31, 2017

Your product or service’s brand name is how you promote and advertise your business—and it’s what your customers use to recommend you.

Using a strong brand name, your business becomes better known and builds...

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Want To Avoid The Need To Rebrand? Find Out The Pitfalls Before You Choose A Name
September 14, 2017

Picking a name for your business isn’t always straightforward.

An obvious first step for entrepreneurs embarking on a naming project is to pick some names and do a search engine check to assess whether anyone else is...

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What Is Copyright And How Can You Claim Your Own?
October 2, 2017

Copyright is a type of intellectual property right. that every business uses, and needs to know about.

Every business has a logo, website, brochures, photographs, packaging, software, and more. These are all subject to...

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How To Escape Intellectual Property Disputes and Litigation
October 9, 2017

There is a myth that securing IP protection is pointless if you lack the resources to litigate.

You’re actually much more likely to get into a dispute if you don’t register your rights than if you do. Owning...

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How To Legally Protect Your Designs And Intellectual Property
October 23, 2017

The appearance of your website, logo, or products is of paramount importance for the success of your business.

Design registration is available to protect the visual appearance of a product, or aspects of it, such as its shape...

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How We Can Help Secure Your IP
October 26, 2017

In this information-led economy, intellectual property is key. If you understand IP, and protect your assets strategically, the value of your IP could make your business far more valuable than the multiples of earnings figure...

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What Impact Will Brexit Have On Your Trademarks?
November 2, 2017

How to be prepared and make the correct moves to protect your intellectual property position

The media is abuzz with talk and comment on the ramifications Brexit will have on commerce.   Much relates to transport,...

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Brexit And EU Trademarks – Use It And Lose It?
November 7, 2017

Could I potentially end up losing my European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) even though I am actively using it in business?

Following our previous blog What Impact Will Brexit Have On Your Trademarks? which outlined some of...

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